Reboot Sequence initiated 3 of 15 ใ‚ทใ‚นใƒ†ใƒ ใ‚’ๅ…จใฆๅ†่ตทๅ‹•ใ™ใ‚‹


Reboot Sequence initiated 3 of 15 ใ‚ทใ‚นใƒ†ใƒ ใ‚’ๅ…จใฆๅ†่ตทๅ‹•ใ™ใ‚‹ x

select your journey

REBOOT SEQUENCE INITIATED 3 of 15 ใ‚ทใ‚นใƒ†ใƒ ใ‚’ๅ…จใฆๅ†่ตทๅ‹•ใ™ใ‚‹


REBOOT SEQUENCE INITIATED 3 of 15 ใ‚ทใ‚นใƒ†ใƒ ใ‚’ๅ…จใฆๅ†่ตทๅ‹•ใ™ใ‚‹ x

# Class definition for a unique HomoSapiens being

class HomoSapiens:

def __init__(self, name="Celinne", age=None, gender="Female", occupation="CEO"): = name

self.age = age

self.gender = gender

self.occupation = occupation

# Metaphysical attributes

def __origin__(self):

galaxy = "Sirius B"

origin = "Lyra"

lineage = "Blue Flame Melchizedek"

earth_arrival = "Stargate 11"

return f"Galaxy: {galaxy}, Origin: {origin}, Lineage: {lineage}, Earth Arrival: {earth_arrival}"

# Introduction method

def introduce(self):

print(f"Hello, my name is {}. I am {self.age} years old, {self.gender}, and I work as a {self.occupation}.")

if self.age:

self.age += 1

print(f"Happy birthday! I am now {self.age} years old.")


print("Age not specified.")

# Example usage:

human1 = HomoSapiens(name="Maia", age=30, gender="Female", occupation="Software Engineer")





Spiritual Awakening, often referred to as Ascension, is a process of expanding consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies integrate with our physical form.

  • Spiritual Awakening, often referred to as Ascension, is a process of expanding consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies integrate with our physical form.

    This transformation typically begins with the activation of Kundalini energy at the base of the spine, which then rises upward towards the Crown chakra.

  • As an individual undergoes this gradual awakening, often spanning years, they experience shifts in perception and consciousness.

    These changes may include heightened sensitivity to environmental energies, awareness of multidimensional realities, and the ability to sense non-physical entities.

    Many also report a profound sense of connection with a higher power and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

    At its core, Ascension involves a shift in our frequency spectrum and a realignment of our consciousness. It's akin to moving from one reality to another, essentially undergoing a dimensional shift.

    This process requires us to adapt our thought patterns and way of being to align more closely with our soul's purpose and our true divine nature.

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  • The Universal Time Matrix is comprised of five density levels that each hold three dimensional holographic fields within them, or groups of three Spectrum of Frequencies that manifest as platforms of consciousness perception and expression.

    Each of these density levels are organized into a trinity of dimensional reality fields, and each of these reality fields are also called Harmonic Universes or HU.

    In each Harmonic Universe, there are consciousness levels that have characteristics in the blueprint that result in matter forms and consciousness perception that is unique to each harmonic universe or density.

    Each expression of the God source in its collective consciousness or life form, has many stations of identity that exist in each of the dimensional realities or harmonic universes.

  • Many of these conflicts and trauma have been carried for eons of time buried in our bodies as ancestral memories from other timelines.

    When these memory traumas remain unseen and unhealed, they turn into dead light (black energy, frozen or static fields). This dead light creates energy blockages and distortion which is also called Miasa or Karma.

  • Reprogramming the subconscious mind involves a systematic approach aimed at altering deep-seated beliefs and patterns influence behavior and thoughts.

    Through Quantum Resonance Therapy I am able to harness scalar wave energy from Zero Point direct it through frequency and transmute old emotions and trauma within the body.

QRT- $333

  • Quantum Resonance Transformation (QRT) is an advanced holistic healing modality that synergizes principles from quantum physics, energy medicine, cognitive reframing, and behavioral science to promote profound personal transformation and well-being. This approach aims to address the interconnectedness of mind, body, and energy fields, leveraging the latest scientific insights to facilitate healing and personal growth.

    • Holistic Healing: Addresses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects, providing a comprehensive approach to well-being.

    • Personalized Therapy: Tailored to individual needs, considering unique energy patterns and psychological profiles.

    • Empowerment and Self-Awareness: Encourages individuals to take an active role in their healing process, fostering greater self-awareness and empowerment.

Ascension Coaching- $250

  • For individuals experiencing spiritual awakenings, our coaching service provides comprehensive guidance and support. We cover essential safety protocols to ensure a grounded journey, while offering techniques to enhance intuition and improve communication with spirit teams. Our approach addresses current life challenges and helps reprogram limiting behaviors, empowering you to navigate your spiritual path with confidence and clarity.

  • Our spiritual coaching service offers a range of transformative benefits for those navigating spiritual awakenings. You'll gain expert guidance to ensure your safety during profound experiences, while developing enhanced intuitive abilities and a stronger connection with your spirit guides. We provide effective tools to overcome life obstacles and break free from negative behavior patterns, empowering you to confidently navigate your unique spiritual journey. Our personalized support creates a safe space for exploring and discussing your experiences, helping you integrate spiritual insights into daily life. Through this comprehensive approach, you'll develop the skills and confidence to embrace your spiritual growth, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

4 WEEK KIT- $1000

  • A 4-week container for the Fast Track Healing Trauma program using Quantum Resonance Therapy is crucial for seamless integration and optimal results.

    This dedicated timeframe allows for a focused and uninterrupted healing journey, minimizing the interference of external frequencies that could disrupt the delicate process.

    By committing to this structured program, participants create a protected space for deep transformation, allowing each session to build upon the previous one without dilution from competing energies or practices.

    The sequential nature of the sessions - from nervous system reboot to advanced manifestation techniques - requires a consistent and contained environment to fully anchor these changes.

    This concentrated approach ensures that the quantum shifts initiated in each week have time to integrate fully into the participant's energetic field and daily life, maximizing the effectiveness of the therapy and leading to more profound and lasting results.

    The 4-week container acts as a cocoon for metamorphosis, shielding the healing process from outside influences and allowing for a complete cycle of transformation to unfold organically.

  • Our 4-week Fast Track Healing Trauma program utilizes 1:1 Quantum Resonance Therapy to guide you through a transformative healing journey.

    Each session is 60mins once a week.

    • We begin by establishing a "Zero Point" - a neutral state that reorients you back in time to access your central oneness.

    • Week 1 focuses on a nervous system reboot, addressing acute trauma through frequency work and brain recalibration.

    • In Week 2, we delve into past life influences, collapsing timelines, and clearing patterns related to experiences such as slavery, war, poverty, and addiction.

    • Week 3 emphasizes creating a daily practice for manifestation, balancing feminine and masculine energies, and mastering quantum mechanics.

    • The final week concentrates on advanced techniques like troubleshooting collapse, wealth generation, fear removal, and negative gene alteration. Throughout this journey, you'll align with your higher self, leading to natural manifestations and synchronicities in life.

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