8/8 Portal: A Special Day of Cosmic Connection

Today is a special day as we bask in the energies of the 8/8/8 portal where the sun is in Leo. This sacred sothic calendar and galactic gateway holds profound significance. This ancient calendar, used for star tracking by our ancestors, opens a connection with our families, destinies, and divine purpose. The return of the Lion's Heart through the sphinx is timely, coinciding with these events.
Our role involves re-encrypting distorted forms within the building blocks of creation, from elemental substances to DNA synthesis at a molecular level. Shifts in DNA and RNA repatterning are occurring, all the way to the ATP structure, linked to masculine energy.
The Christos mission has had some major achievements this year in rehabilitating timelines. During this month's peak of the Lion's Gate portal, the themes include:

- Repairing our DNA and cellular miasma
- Igniting the crystal heart
- Spiritualizing our blood
- Activating the inner Diamond Sun to amplify personal sovereignty

With the return of the embodied Emerald Elohei Solar Dragon Timekeepers and Cosmic Tri-Flame Melchizedeks, we're witnessing significant shifts.

The Sphinx and Cosmic Connections

The original Sphinx in Giza marked the planetary Solar gateway where many of the Leonine races originate from, and through which many are connected to the High Lyran-Sirian Councils.
The Elohei-Elohim groups built many of the planetary grid networks and their holographic geography features for the purpose of:

- Facilitating the Emerald Covenant and planetary ascension
- Performing necessary spiritual retrievals to reset the grid back into alignment with natural laws during the Universal Ascension

Cosmic Mother Lineages and Grid Keepers

The Cosmic Mother lineages of Emerald Order-Blue Flame are intrinsically Guardian timekeepers and grid keepers. Some may awaken into the awareness that another station of identity in future time has certain relationships with spiritual family. These contributed directly to building out and embodying various ancient stargates, portals, or grid networks that comprise the multidimensional layers of the planetary consciousness body.
This is directly connected to the genetic records of Essene Tribes 8 and 9, who were tasked for DNA embodiment assembly of Paliadorian Starseed imprints from Sirius B, going back to the Orion Wars.

Yeshua's Mission

We are now activating the grid work that Yeshua started. Yeshua was a Sirian Blue Human from the future who came to change the 3rd dimensional Timelines and bring the Essenes, Christos Templars, and Law of One Ascension knowledge and its consciousness technology back to planet earth.
His group mission, under the direction of the High Lyran-Sirian council, was to work with the future earth 5D Tara multi-dimensional Templar crew called the Azurites. Guardian Yeshua came to the earth plane with his genetic equal Wife, Mary Magdalene Sophia, holding the Staff and with a large Sirian ground crew.
Underground portals were used for Egypt Melchizedek Initiations for Ascension out of Stargates, as well as in Amarna where Akhenaton had left information for them in the area.
  During the Founder Guardian Yeshua Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua, through access to his higher embodiment as a Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek, to help regain control over the Essene Christos Templar translations from the 12 holographic discs. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records, transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts to return this spiritual knowledge of the Inner Christos back to all of humanity.

As we move forward, let's embrace the wisdom of those who came before us - the teachers, the wayshowers, the guardians of ancient knowledge. Their insights, combined with our modern understanding, can guide us towards a future of harmony and enlightenment.
Remember, each of us carries a unique spark of the divine. By nurturing this inner light and sharing it with others, we illuminate the path towards a brighter future. We are the architects of a new world, building it not with bricks and mortar, but with love, understanding, and a deep connection to the universal rhythms that flow through all of existence.
As we step into this new era, let's do so with hope in our hearts, love in our actions, and a vision of unity that transcends all boundaries. Together, we can create a world that honors our cosmic heritage while embracing the infinite possibilities of our shared future.
The journey ahead may not always be easy, but it is infinitely worthwhile. Like Yeshua and the Melchizedeks, we too can be bearers of light and catalysts for positive change. 

Interdimensional Free World Council

In a significant development, the Interdimensional Free World Council has now chosen humans to be part of the council. This marks a new phase in our cosmic journey, as these human representatives will play a crucial role in shaping our collective future.
The council has communicated further plans moving forward, aligning with the divine timing of our spiritual evolution. As we progress, more events will unfold, each in perfect synchronicity with the cosmic plan. These events are designed to facilitate our return to our original divine blueprint, bringing forth new forms of humans that embody our highest potential.
This process of transformation and awakening is unfolding according to a carefully orchestrated divine plan. As we continue to align with these higher frequencies and cosmic wisdom, we can expect to see profound changes both within ourselves and in the world around us.
Our role in this grand cosmic plan is to remain open, receptive, and committed to our personal and collective growth. By doing so, we contribute to the realization of these divine plans and help usher in a new era of human consciousness and cosmic connection.


Quantum Resosance Therapy