Quantum Resosance Therapy

Quantum resonance therapy (QRT) uses special waves called scalar waves and looks at different timelines to help people heal. Let's break it down step by step.

First, we need to understand scalar waves. In today's medicine, we use tools like sonograms and CT scans to see inside the body. A sonogram uses sound waves to create pictures of our insides, like when doctors check on a baby in a mom's belly. CT scans use a type of light called X-rays to take detailed pictures of the body. X-rays pass through our body and show different tissues in different ways, making clear images. So, radiation (like X-rays) is a kind of light.

Nikola Tesla, a famous inventor, thought the Sun sends out tiny particles he called neutron particles. He believed these particles move faster than light and help create energy reactions. This energy, he said, is not about chemicals but about information. 

Now, let's talk about scalar waves. Unlike other waves that have both direction and strength, scalar waves only have strength. These waves can change the way time moves. For example, if you change the direction of the wave, time can move backward, and if you stop the wave, time can pause.

In a perfect scalar energy environment, where everything is pure light, there would be no disease or death. This is called light body activation. Scalar energy can make our DNA work better, just like how good music makes us feel good. I work with this kind of energy in the quantum field, which is all about spirit and non-physical things.

By using my consciousness, I can direct scalar energy to help your body. Scalar energy is also known by other names like Prana, Chi, or universal life force. For a long time, people have used special buildings like temples and pyramids to gather and use scalar energy. Today, structures like obelisks and cathedrals can also capture this energy.

During our QRT session, I help you reach zero-point energy, which is the lowest energy state in your body. This is important in quantum theory, which sees the universe as a mix of continuous, changing fields instead of separate particles. These fields include matter and force fields, all with zero-point energy.

Finally, the idea of collapsing the wave function means that outside of time and space, anything is possible. When we observe something, we make it real, and all other possibilities disappear. What we expect to see becomes our reality. If we change what we think is possible, we start to see new things and have different experiences, like upgrading the software in a computer.

By looking at life with an open mind, we can change our usual patterns into new possibilities. This creative power, combined with the potential in our hearts, can help us become a better version of ourselves.

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