You’re exactly where you need to be.

Things are rapidly changing everyday and there is this forward momentum that we are all feeling. Excited, scared, unsure of the future, grief, ready to build, finding ourselves, community and a deeper knowing. 
Our healthcare systems, economy, education, old ways of doing things are no longer working. For our society to advance, we all have to unite to make things better and faster. In the grand scheme of the cosmos, earth is accelerating to a new level of frequency, density- to be in 5D. 5D is unity consciousness, abundance, to be heartcentric and timelessness. The Ascension Process is renewing, as if Earth is a snake shedding it's old skin. To be a much peaceful and beautiful planet. 
Every Empire must fall for a better one to come. This is not something to be afraid of but something we should be looking forward. Staying neutral and seeing both positive and negative (your third eye). Acting from the heart instead of the mind. Letting go of fear, the conditioning that you have to work hard and struggle to be successful. Let go to control, the need to be right. Stop listening to what others are saying, start listening to the little voice inside of you. 
You are already infinitely abundant and loved. Open yourself up... Open yourself up to your beauty. 


You hold the wisdom of many lifetimes and DNA of every being in the cosmos. 
When you feel lost and not sure how to move forward or which path to take? Follow your intuition. Your intuition will guide you to your highest timeline, to your soul's ultimate truth, to your destiny, to the right people and right opportunities. 
What is making you happy today? Find that spark and keep igniting it. That little ember will soon be a blazing fire that will guide you and others along the way. 
You are exactly where you need to be. 
I love you.

Healing Ancestral Trauma, Future of 5D Earth and Gracefulness


Wealth distribution: The universe consists of codes.