The Art of Slowing Down

One of my ethos in life is slowing down to go fast. The detriment of chronic stress, high cortisol and dysregulated nervous system can have profound consequences in the long run. During my time in healthcare doing population health and clinical research for the last 10 years. I have seen thousands of patients who come in with classic anixety symptoms manifesting all of a sudden not knowing where it's coming from.

I once had an astrophysist's come in and tell us all about the data he has collected about himself yet he could not figure out as to why he was having anxiousness and nervousness. He said, "I have a good life, I get my bills paid, I work hard, I don't know why I'm feeling this way?" There are many factors to anxiety and nervous system dysregulation such as:

1. Suppressed emotions- Like a champgne bottle shaken getting ready to pop! Pressures within oneself or society and dampening or minimizing of emotions

2. Lack of contemplation- There is a reason why stoics loved writing and contemplation. It is their version of meditation. It is the act of self referencia and closing the tabs in your brain and offloading data on to paper or your notes app. It frees up some heavy bandwidth and to just think and reflect.

3. Poor Diet- Eating high vibrational ingredients to nourish our avatars, you did not come here as a rock your avatar is a F35 jet and you want to give it the best jet fuel and not some low octane gas. Give it the best possible food you can get, a balanced diet and intermittent fasting!

4. Lack of Movement- Energies are stuck not just in our organs but also in your cells, past experiences, even your genetic make up and subconscious. The somatic nervous system and central nervous system (CNS) regulation are closely interconnected, with the somatic system playing a crucial role in executing the commands generated by the CNS.

5. Socioeconomic factors- feeling safe and having our needs met. Our community and how much we feel loved and supported.

6. Not enough play and too much adulting- One way to boost your seratonin and dopamine is having more time to play and get creative. It is the antidote to cortisol that attacks your nervous system (you do not need to be in fight)

A healthy man wants a thousand things and a sick man only wants one. Without your health you have nothing.

Everyone seems to be obsessed with hustling and toxic productivity.

No one really talk about how perfectionism and overworking it is the highest form of self harm. Just because some people have abs doesn’t mean they’re healthy. True wealth encompasses having a healthy body, calm nervous system and an unstoppable zest for life.

The real 1% not only has freedom of time, money and stress. They are embodied. They know how to create their own matrices (reality) that perfectly suits them, they are grounded within themselves and is operating on God Mode. Anything they want comes into fruition.

I will die on this hill preaching that the easiest way to manifesting your dream life is the art of slowing down and deliberate risk action taking towards a grand vision.

Go slow to go fast ⚡️

Rest and creative contemplation is key to having better ideas and better solutions to challenges. When you learn to receive information from the void and bend time (quantum tunneling & quantum coherence) you collapse timelines and do things when they are meant to happen instead of forcing it.

The new currency is frequency. When you are coherent to what you are attracting you magnetize people and opportunities that is just right for you.


Quantum Resonance Therapy


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