I’ve found my purpose and here’s what I’ve learned…

Purpose. This ongoing question, it's the foundation of why I built this community and business. Always asking, "What is my purpose?" That sensation of déjà vu, pondering why I'm here again. I've been consumed by answering this question since forever. I recall when I was 5th grade, tasked with interviewing someone we admired for their life story. Most chose grandparents, parents, or influential community figures. Not me. I dragged my best friend to the hilltop Buddhist temple, curious about those who opt for monastic seclusion.

"Let's find a monk and interview them," I told her, just two curious 5th graders. We stumbled into their meditation session, conducted in Mandarin, a language I barely grasped. Later, we roamed their gardens, chuckled at their veganism and saltless meals. Eventually, a monk approached, and our excitement surged. Armed with notebooks, we delved into discussions about life's purpose and meaning. Growing up in Asia exposed me to diverse spiritual backgrounds, broadening my perspectives.

It took 30 years to answer that cliché question: Why am I here? Discovering your life's purpose is no easy feat, requiring resilience and self-discovery. It's more than a 9-5; it infuses life with meaning and direction, guiding you to serve a greater purpose.

Life is about mastering the art of letting go, unveiling your greatest power. Remembering who you are and embracing inner peace keeps you on course, setting an example for others. Some embark on quests for self-discovery, while others pursue grand missions.

We often succumb to societal expectations, yet even after achieving everything, a void lingers: Who am I? What's next? Unless you carve your path, others will dictate it.

A decade in healthcare acquainted me with diverse stories, regrets, and lessons. Palliative patients often lament not living life on their terms, loving openly. Their tales taught me gratitude and shaped my journey.
This new chapter entails sharing wisdom, experiences, and honed gifts. When my guides revealed my mission, the I have Gene 55 and tasked  plant seeds of humanity's renewal, I questioned how? I'm just a small town girl, how can I possibly change the world? Overtime, Unlocking memories and enhancing my clairvoyant gifts brought clarity, trusting the unfolding journey.
Thorough all these years, One things I know... Your resonance shapes your reality; Energy, frequency and vibration. How you think shapes the world you live in because everything and everyone reflects your resonance. Peace begets happiness, bitterness invites sorrow. Serving the One means serving everyone, as each is a fractal of the Source.
Do I have all the answers? No, but each day unveils more of my genius, deepening self-understanding and purpose. It now my life's mission to help you find yours as well. 

I hope we get to walk this path together as you uncover your true purpose and live a life of fulfillment. 
Much love,

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