12/12 Portal Update

By January, I anticipate significant movement, as we already have insights regarding the facilitation of this transformative shift. The split will be definitive, and those who awaken will remember everything. However, you may notice changes in people even though things will still appear familiar. You are quantum jumping to a new timeline or 5D.

Our universe is comprised of code, numbers, frequency, and vibration. It is immeasurable, and we can only understand it through intuition. When we comprehend and pull in all the vectors of ourselves and return to the zero point, we gain insight. Telepathy and frequency serve as the universal language for communication with other galactic beings, with ascendant masters, and other guides.

Our universe is intricate and complex. Some may question why God's fractalized self would desire to experience suffering and go through human experiences. The answer lies in the immense beauty that emerges from pain and the wisdom it brings. We come to this planet to learn, appreciate its beauty, and unite in service to all and ourselves. We are the path to the "I AM," the oneness, and to love. Love is the neutral state, and the heart serves as the portal that transcends all lifetimes and dimensions. Practicing gratitude is a way of expressing love.

I have contemplated the fact that not all souls may choose to participate in this ascension. However, they will have their time eventually, perhaps in another life. I believe everyone will get their chance; it's just a matter of divine timing. Ascension cannot be forced. For those who partially awaken and wonder why they can't fully tap in, it's because there is more shadow to be healed. Healing is an ongoing process, involving ancestral lineages, karmic ties, past lives, and more. As we heal ourselves, we become better at grounding and emitting our light, thereby activating others' passions. Authenticity is the highest frequency we can reach. 

To gain clarity amidst confusion, I suggest asking our higher selves why things may seem perplexing and seek for balance. God/source created the positive and negative to establish dissonance and distortion. Without one or the other, a significant story would not exist. It is through this dissonance that we learn. Remaining neutral allows us to achieve equilibrium and balance. By awakening our third eye, we can perceive both the positive and negative aspects of existence.

Spirituality encompasses everything that science has ever taught us, the fantasies found in books and movies, mythical creatures like mermaids and dragons, galactic aliens, angels, demons, and all other aspects of our known existence. Can you wrap your head around it? Because the reality you think you know is not what it seems. 

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to choose the world they want to live in and to create their own reality. When we shift our focus from our minds and lower bodies to our hearts, everything falls into place and makes sense.

Wealth distribution: The universe consists of codes.


Embracing Authenticity: A New Era with Pluto in Aquarius and the Sun