Why Earth?

Once upon a time, our souls, we came from light, the vastness, the void and god/universe, whatever you call it;asked, “Do you wanna go to earth and experience all these feelings/ emotions?” And we say yes! We draft our plot lines and We get transported back to this 3rd dimension we call Earth; however, we forget who we are, so we can fully live life completing our ‘samsara” wheel of life.

Btw, science got it right but they are missing the spiritual link. To be on earth, is to simply be here now- to live fully and die happily. Our mission now is to remember and tune back in our hearts. The truth lies in our hearts and our knowing.

Awakening simply means, self-acceptance and integration of our duality. Remembering that we come from source that we are one and we are all connected.You are god, you are light, you are source. a part of the fabric of the universe. Remembering your divinity.

Yes there is source, light, or god and Yes the big bang happened.

Us humans are supposed to feel connected, it is in our dna, so to orient ourselves back to the right-side-up storyline, but in order to do that, we first have to recognize that we are co-participating/co-creating in the same great story and we collectively gather all of our maps together to see the big picture. Instead of fighting the current of the river… we flow or better yet, have the eagle’s point of view.

There are many secrets and codes to this universe and those that have awakened are aware of our missions; that is to unite and raise the frequency of our planet; thus affecting other realms in this time and space continuum; however, Greed and ego control it. the only way is to learn to love ourselves again and to give love. To be the bigger person. to practice Metacognition, to be extremely self-aware, self-reflective, and have self-referentia.

This is the emergent philosophy of CosmoErotic Humanism. to find resonance with a person or an idea. Seeing life through their eyes, feel what it feels like to try it on your body. Then once you understand it, offers a path to evolve. here is only one way through this beautiful mess, and it’s together.

In this new earth, there is more love, abundance and peace. together we ascend using our hearts.

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My little wild heart


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